Renowned Finnish designer Kaj Franck’s Scandia collection has been a household staple since its launch in 1952. This simple yet distinctive design was created with everyday needs in mind, while grooved handles make the flatware easier to hold and stand up to everyday use. The gleaming stainless steel enhances the streamlined design, yet it remains solid and balanced in hand. Mix the iittala Scandia flatware collection with numerous iittala dinnerware pieces to create a unique yet cohesive dining atmosphere.
First founded as a glassworks company in 1881, iittala is now a leading company in modern Finnish design producing a range of dinnerware, glassware and art pieces. You’d be hard-pressed to find a Finn or fan of Finnish design that doesn’t recognize the iittala logo, designed by Timo Sarpane... More iittala
Born in Finland in the early 1900’s, designer Kaj Franck preferred deconstructed design and valued usability as it directly related to beauty. In removing excessive elements, his simplistic designs are comfortable and easily palatable for home use. Franck’s hauntingly beautiful Kartio Glass... More Kaj Franck