Learn about the secret village where the magic of Christmas began, written by Santa Claus himself! This original book from Finland chronicles the life of Santa and his little Tonttus, his best helpers. The 26 page story book is handmade from pinewood as the covering and red felt as the spine, reminiscent of the Tonttu figurines. On the backside of the book, there is a sheet pocket that might just have some surprise gifts in there for you. The perfect gift for the little ones or for your own family, immerse yourself into the elf village of Santa Claus to bring the holiday spirit this season.
Silas Tonttukylä is located in a small elf village within the stunning landscapes of Kuhmo, Finland. Here, little elves, or tonttus, are handmade with care from the imagination of designer Uwe Fritz Helmut Sauer. Along with little elf figurines is a selection of ornaments, wooden villages, ... More Silas Tonttukylä