With the number of reindeer in Finland roughly equal to the number of people living there, they have become a true Lapland icon. Bring some of that Nordic beauty into the home with this set of Pentik Saaga Coasters. They each feature a single reindeer from Minna Niskakangas's beloved Saaga print, which is inspired by nature and cave painting techniques. In a neutral grey and black colorway, this set of four coasters will bring Nordic spirit wherever they are placed. They are made of a thick and durable polyester with a felt-like material, which is stitched on each end for a traditional appearance.
Pentik brings true Nordic charm and coziness to homes around the world. Pentik is a prominent Finnish brand founded in 1971 by Anu Pentik, and is renowned for its elegant home décor and ceramic products that blend traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design. Starting out as a small f... More Pentik
I change my house decorating accessories, seasonally. After Christmas I have a winter theme and reindeer are a big part of it. The felt coasters are perfect. They are made of cotton, not wool felt. They look like wool felt. I was surprised, but in hindsight, it is probably better they are cotton, especially if the coasters need to be laundered.