Helsinki, Finland is the Most Honest City

According to a recent study, the capital of Finland, Helsinki, is the most honest in the world. Reader's Digest wanted to find out where the most honest people live by "losing" 192 wallets in 19 cities around the world. The wallets included the name and cellphone number of the individual, as well as coupons, business cards, family photos and coupons. Perhaps most enticing was the $50 in whichever currency the country used. Less than half of the 192 wallets dropped worldwide were returned.
Out of the 12 wallets left in parks, shopping malls, and on the sidewalks of Helsinki, 11 of them were returned; the most of any cities in the experiment. Twenty-seven-year-old businessman Lasse Luomakoski was one of the passersby that found a wallet downtown. "Finns are naturally honest," he said. "We are a small, quiet, closely-knit community. We have little corruption, and we don't even run red lights." A couple in their sixties also found one of the wallets in the working class area of Kallio, saying "Of course we returned the wallet. Honesty is an inner conviction."