An intriguing pattern created by Marimekko designer Pia Holm, her Hehku fabric is an impressive mix of complex design and bold color. Finnish for “glow,” the bright colors are almost neon against the dark black background. Rectangle tiles of red, yellow and green are encompassed in bubble-like segments to produce a busy tangle of color and design. The cotton fabric has a nice compliment of colors that suits the holiday season, so create a festive pillow or curtains out of this lively fabric.
(See the secondary photo for an approximation of one yard.)
Enter desired quantity of yards in the Yard box. If you order multiple yards, they will remain intact.
Please order carefully. Cut fabric cannot be returned.
Marimekko is a Finnish design house renowned for its bold, effusive prints and timeless patterns. The company was founded in 1951 by Finnish couple Armi and Viljo Ratia, and the name Marimekko translated literally means “Mary-dress.” Marimekko’s impact reaches far beyond just Finland, howev... More Marimekko